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Cellmote v2.00 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x Signed {Bluetooth Control for WMP/VLC Media Player}


Cellmote is a remote control software. It lets you control applications running on your computer from a mobile phone over a Bluetooth connection. The client is currently available for Symbian OS (S60 3rd), the server runs on Windows.

Video demo of the Low-Fidelity Paper Prototype:

* S60 3rd Edition - Symbian 9.1
* S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 1 - Symbian 9.2
* S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 2 - Symbian 9.3

The minimal requirements for running the server are Windows XP (or higher), .NET Framework at least in version 3.5 and a properly installed Bluetooth adapter.


1. Download the latest version of the Windows Server
2. Unzip the downloaded archive
3. Create or locate a Bluetooth port by opening Control Panel > Bluetooth Settings > COM Ports. If no ports are enlisted, or you would like to make sure no other application uses the same COM port, click the Add button and create a new Incoming port. Remember the number of the port.
4. Inside the unzipped folder run colibri.exe, this will start the server.
5. On the main application screen of colibri.exe select the previously created COM port.
6. Click on “Connect” to start the server, now you can connect to it with your mobile device.
7. To add applications that will be remotely controlled, open the Settings window
and the “players” tab and setup your multimedia players.


1 Comentário:

HTC Pakistan said...

Thanks for blogging… I can’t wait to share your video selection with my colleagues.. So happy to have found your blog..

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