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Online Armor RC


Online Armor personal firewall protects your computer's ineternet conectioninbound connections and outbound connections), stops unknown programs from running and detects keyloggers - plus lots more! Online Armor is a full security system for your computer, but has been designed to be very easy to use. You can check out its features in detail by looking at the menu on the left. In standard mode, most decisions are made completely automatically based on Online Armor's whitelist - meaning that you never need answer a complex firewall prompt again.
Online Armor firewall is designed to be easy to use, right out of the box - but that doesn't mean it lacks in power. Slip into advanced mode, and additional options for power users are present. Import blacklists from bluetak directly into the firewall and apply them against rules. This allows protection of P2P programs or web browser without applying these lists against every connection.
You can also use this feature to block countries or networks known to host malware, zombies or other dangerous content.

If you want to limit the connectivity of your computer to known systems (for example, VNC to your home computer from the office network only) you can restrict it in Online Armor easily. You can also restrict connections by country ("Don't allow connections to this country") or, alternatively, only open up certain countries ("Only allow my browser to connect to sites in the USA or Australia").

There are two different versions of Online Armor available.

Online Armor FREE is our powerful windows firewall - the only FREE firewall to offer 100% leak protection out of the box! It's easy to use, powerful - and completely free. Online Armor is straightforward, and simple to use.
Online Armor includes powerful "HIPS" functions, which give you the ability to stop all unrecognised programs from running on your computer unless you say so, making it possible to protect yourself against these new attacks. Of course, programs Online Armor knows are safe will be allowed to run, no problem.


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